Monthly Archives: June 2011

The Persistent Tunnel “Vision” of British Columbia’s George Massey

12 June 2011


Photo Credit: Stephen Rees

Have you ever met someone who was so dedicated to making a dream come true despite all the swirling negativity about that dream? Sometimes it seems as if no one can understand that person’s dream and especially what seems to be a fool-hearty waste of time in trying to make it a reality. This is exactly what happened to George Massey from Ladner, British Columbia. For nearly twenty years, Massey put his own time and money into trying to convince anyone who would listen to him that a tunnel could be built under the south arm of the Fraser River to connect Delta with Richmond. Canadian based engineering firms told him he was crazy while the BC Government reps got to the point where they would almost hide under the table when Massey would come knocking on the door with more information to argue his case. But if anything can be learned, the story of George Massey is proof that persistence and passionate dedication to a cause will make any dream come true.  (more…)

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