Posts Tagged Yorkshire

Black Swan’s Canadian Connections

12 March 2011

Photo Credit: Laura Waldie

I was emailed today with what I thought was a neat question. Derek from St. John’s asked me “What building is in your gravatar? It looks quite old.” It is an old building actually. Well, old by Canadian standards I suppose. It is the Black Swan Guesthouse on Peasholme Green in York, England. It was built in 1417 for William Bowes who became Lord Mayor of York that same year. The Bowes went on to make quite a name for themselves as a family of goldsmiths to the Tudor Kings and Queens and William’s son Martin became Lord Mayor of London. Martin was also an advid heritage conservationist! He intervened in the proposed demolition of several medieval churches in York, including St. Cuthbert’s and the York Rectory, by arguing that these buildings were still in great shape and were links to the City’s historic past and should be saved. He then went on to restore the Church so it could be passed down to us in good condition today. But the real reason I use this building pictured above as my gravatar is its Canadian connections…. (more…)

Historic Family Recipes: North Yorkshire

4 December 2010

Photo Credit: Laura Waldie

Well, I want to launch something fun here at “History to the People” and something I hope you will both enjoy and want to be a part of. One of my little hobbies on the side is to experiment with and try out a vast array of culinary dishes from around the world. I have to admit, I am a foodie at heart and just love to cook. I also have the embarrassing ability to name all the shows currently showing on Food Network Canada! I thought it would be a cool idea to post some recipes onto this site from readers. But, in keeping with this site’s focus on heritage and history, I would like to post some recipes that have been passed down through the generations. You may never have known your great, great grandparents, but you keep their spirits alive by preparing their favourite recipes  such as Scotch Baps or Newfoundland Chowder for your loved ones still to this day. If you have a favourite hand-me-down recipe you would like to share with others, please email me and tell me the story about your favourite generational recipe and I will post it on this site. Perhaps this can be the start of a Heritage Canadian Cookbook! For the first post I will pass along to you a couple recipes that have been passed down in my family.  (more…)

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