Photo Credit: Laura Waldie
Of all the Canadian Castle owners, one of the most complex individuals was Sir Allan Napier McNab, the owner of Dundurn Castle in Hamilton, Ontario. He had a very eclectic and varied career from being a carpenter, actor, railroad tycoon, real estate investor, military officer, a Baron, and Prime Minister of the Province of Canada. He was a man of dual personalities in many ways. On the one hand, he displayed such dizzying wealth and power, yet was constantly trying to keep two steps ahead of his creditors and he died virtually penniless. He was considered a very compassionate and kind employer to his domestic staff for the time, yet he was not above breaking the law or imposing threats on people to get what he wanted in the business world. He was lauded by many business associates as being a fine example of a new and golden age dawning in the Province of Canada’s entrepreneurial world, yet many Boards and Committees he sat on would scheme endlessly to find ways to be rid of him. In spite of all this, however, McNab left a remarkable piece of architectural history that not only reflects the development of the City of Hamilton, but also of a young nation in the making. (more…)
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